ほとめきの街 久留米 観光サイト

Recommended trips

Half-day course

The B Course features visiting Power Spot locations with a booklet to collect seal stamps from shrines and temples!

Araki/Daizenji Area (Central South Area) Kitano Area (Northern Area)
Spring Summer Autumn Winter History and great men


Kurume IC

Daihonzanzendoji Temple:About 15 minutes by car / Naritasan Kurume Temple : About 11 minutes by car

Daihonzanzendoji Temple

Daihonzanzendoji Temple

Founded in 1208 by Bencho, and has about 50,000 square-meter area! Here, visitors can find historically-important buildings and an 800-year-old Okusu (camphor) tree. It is well-known as a place to pray for safe childbirth.

550 Iida, Zendojimachi

Daihonzan Naritasan Kurume Temple


1386-22 Kamitsu-machi

About 30 minutes by car from Naritasan Kurume Temple / About 15 minutes by car from Daihonzanzendoji Temple

Kitano Tenmangu Shrine

This shrine is known to worship Sugawara no Michizane, a deity of learning.
This shrine is also known for its Kappa (a river demon), and houses a "Kappa's hand" as a shrine treasure.

3267 Naka, Kitanomachi, Kurume

Kitano Tenmangu Shrine Seal Stamp


Drop-in Spot Yamaguchi Sake Brewery

Founded in 1832. In the main building of the direct store, visitors can find specialty Japanese sakes, such as "Niwa no Uguisu"

534-1 Imayama, Kitanomachi

Cafe Spot Herb Restaurant Herbes de Provence

A European-style restaurant using homegrown herbs. Choose from four main dishes for a spontaneous lunch.

240-12 Ishizaki, Kitanomachi

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