How to use Kurume tourist map

It is recommended tourist attractions and local sites with easy-to-understand, such as on the map beaten path information. Please use all means when you come to Kurume.

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Recommended spot

Search by theme

Tourist attractions
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Flowers and natural
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Fruit picking
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Recommended course

Retro alley walk
Retro alley walk
1 hour to 90 minutes Course
detail map
JR Kurume Station neighborhood
JR Kurume Station neighborhood
Two and a half hours course
detail map
Teramachi walk
Teramachi walk
3 hour course
detail map
Bicycle de picnic
Bicycle de picnic
2 hours course
detail map
Learn the streets of travelogue
Learn the streets of travelogue
1 night, 2-day course
detail map
Over in Goshuin book
Over in Goshuin book
Half-day course
detail map
Natural experience! Mountain resort
Natural experience! Mountain resort
1 day day course
detail map
Roxas eating regimen tour
Roxas eating regimen tour
Day course / 1 night 2-day course
detail map
Manufacturing Kurume
Manufacturing Kurume
detail Adetail Bdetail C
Your local gourmet
Your local gourmet
detail map
Retro alley walk
Retro alley walk
1 hour to 90 minutes Course
detail map
JR Kurume Station neighborhood
JR Kurume Station neighborhood
Two and a half hours course
detail map
Teramachi walk
Teramachi walk
3 hour course
detail map
Bicycle de picnic
Bicycle de picnic
2 hours course
detail map
Learn the streets of travelogue
Learn the streets of travelogue
1 night, 2-day course
detail map
Over in Goshuin book
Over in Goshuin book
Half-day course
detail map
Natural experience! Mountain resort
Natural experience! Mountain resort
1 day day course
detail map
Roxas eating regimen tour
Roxas eating regimen tour
Day course / 1 night 2-day course
detail map
Manufacturing Kurume
Manufacturing Kurume
detail Adetail Bdetail C
Your local gourmet
Your local gourmet
detail map